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Dagbok SFOS

Wednesday 01/05-2019

Dagbok Posted on Wed, May 01, 2019 21:22:47

The weather
was nice again this morning at 4, with almost no wind again and a bit more

clouds than yesterday. However, it felt like there were less birds around and
the first rounds
were indeed more quiet.

We kept the
nets open until the evening and caught 101 new birds.

In the end,
it was an interesting day with a good diversity ( 12 species). A woodcock was

caught in the middle of the day, we have had our first tree pipit in the nets
today and we
also got a willow warbler wearing a belgian ring which is always

From the
beginning of the season we have now reached 740 ringed birds. To sum up a
bit, here are the species and number we have ringed from the beginning
of the season up to


pigeon: 1

spooted woodpecker: 1

pipit : 1

Tree pipit:

Wren: 21

Dunnock: 3

Robin: 226




Song trush:

Redwing: 7

whitethroat: 1


Blackcap: 2


warbler: 144


flycatcher: 4

flycatcher: 1

Blue tits:

Great tit:



: 4

Linnet: 15


redpoll: 29

bunting: 1

Tuesday 30/04-2019

Dagbok Posted on Tue, April 30, 2019 22:56:41

Today, the
weather forecast predicted some wind and clouds. When we got up at four, we
it was really wrong and the weather was really nice with clear sky and no wind.
stayed like that until the evening where the wind direction changed and
clouds increased
through the day.

So these
were quite perfect conditions to open the nets. We also were hearing a lot of trushes

in the morning and willow warblers and redpolls through the day. We also hear a
nightingale today but there still are not really here yet. The first
rounds were nice with about
30 birds
each time. We kept the nets open until 8pm. All in all we ringed 135 birds
including new arrivals for the season: we got our first reed bunting in
the net, as well as a
whitethroat and 2 pied flycatchers.

The rest of
the birds were the usual ones with still a lot of robins (38), willow warblers
chiff chaffs (9) but also song trushes (10) and redpolls (12).

Thanks to
these good numbers today, we just beat the number of bird ringed in april last
Whereas 521 birds were ringed in April 2018, we reached 577 birds ringed
in April this year!
Just on time!

Mandag 29/4 2014

Dagbok Posted on Mon, April 29, 2019 22:20:31

Svak nordøstlig vind dreiende på sør og tiltagende i løpet av dagen.
5-16 grader og stort sett skyfritt.

Rolig morgen med nett oppe 4.30, noe aktivitet i buskene men sett mer før.

23 ringmerket, ikke allverden, men årets første bøksanger er ok:


Elers i felt en hunn ringtrost på morgenen.

Sunday 28/4-2019

Dagbok Posted on Sun, April 28, 2019 19:13:37

Rain was still threathening this morning when I opened the nets but in
the end it has been alright
through all morning. The wind picked up slowly
around 9 and very few birds were trapped today.

All in all, i ringed 5 birds today: a robin, a redpoll cabaret,
a chaffinch, a brambling and a
willow warbler. But I also had 7 retraps
including the first lesser whitethroat of the year!

Im the afternoon, the wind stayed strong until around 5pm. Let’s see what brings tomorrow!

Saturday 27/4-2019

Dagbok Posted on Sat, April 27, 2019 20:29:56

Today, the weather forecast predicted rain through all day. Fortunately, the rain didn’t
show up until the afternoon, allowing me to ring in the morning. However, it has been
directly obvious that it was going to be a quiet day.

I ringed only 17 birds and decided to close the nets at midday. The first bird I extracted
was a swedish robin. I also had a good pourcentage of retraps through whole morning.

The afternoon was very quiet with showers.

Friday 26/4-2019

Dagbok Posted on Fri, April 26, 2019 23:01:55

Hello everyone,

I’m Marie and I just arrived today in Store Faerder! Youhou!!

Although the nets were open only at 10 am, the nets were never
really empty and in the end it has been a nice ringing day with
a few robins around (43 ringed in the day), chiff chaffs and willow

All in all, 75 birds have been ringed today which is the best number
for the season up to now!

Søndag 14/4-2019

Dagbok Posted on Sun, April 14, 2019 22:40:12

Fredrik og Kasper kom ut i kjølig blåvær 13.4. H. Hauer hadde pressa 2 dager allerede.
Lite fugl å melde. Fåtall plussgrader, nø og sol bidrar ikke til nedfall. Halvard inn 14. og
T. Nielsen, John F. Karlsen m/ sønn ut. Dagens rm total endte på 2. 2 ind tornirisk.

Meget dødt i bushen, høydaren ble 1 pilfink kort innom foringa på mårran.

Ad havørn nordover i kveldinga varmet. Årets første storspover likeså.

Det drømmes om iberiagran, kortklo og mellomspett.


Torsdag 11/4-2019

Dagbok Posted on Fri, April 12, 2019 23:50:29

Vi skulle ut for å klargjøre for nytt kjøkken og gjøre en del oppmålinger. Vi, det er
Morten Brandt og Terje Axelsen. Vi flyttet også en del materiale for kjøkkenbygging
og 4 flasker gass fra AGA en del høydemeter. En god workout for gamle mennesker.

Vi satt opp 3 nett ved hytta og ringmerket 1 tornirisk, 1 rødstrupe og 1 bokfink.
I tillegg kontroll av en jernspurv ringmerket 6/4.
Vi etterfylte med solsikkefrø og på kort tid kom det en del finkefugl.

På øya var det lite fugl og av de artene som var der var det få individer.
Gransanger (1), fuglekonge (1), rødstrupe (5), jernspurv (1), stillits (1), sivspurv (1),
bokfink (5), svarttrost (5), rødstrupe (5), grønnsisik (2) – troster unntatt svarttrost – 0.

Vi kjørte også en tur mot Hoftøya, men mye gjess gikk på vingene så vi valgte å ikke
gå i land. Selv om sørenden av Hoftøya ikke er vernet som sjøfuglreservat, er hele
øya veldig viktig. Forbudet mot å gå i reservatet starer 15. april.
Det burde være 1. april.

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