The day was marked by a thick fog which did not fade during the day. Migration, in this meteorological context, is blocked and almost non-existent.
A total of 29 ringed birds, for 15 different species, a great diversity in the end.
Despite the weather conditions, a very nice day for the team of French ringers with, again, new birds never ringed for us. During the same round, a pigmy owl and a parrot crossbill were captured. Rarities for us, but also for the station, these species being rarely caught here.
Terje joined us to refuel around noon, he heard the pigmy owl sing in a valley near the house. When he leaves, he observes a little auk leaving the port, he allows us to observe it indicating it from his boat.
Same weather forecast for tomorrow morning, maybe with its share of nice surprises like today.
David and Seb
Summary of the day
Spurveugle 1
Blåmeis 5
Kjøttmeis 2
Gerdesmett 2
Fuglekonge 1
Gransanger 1
Munk 1
Rødstrupe 4
Svarttrost 1
Gråtrost 1
Rodvingetrost 2
Sispurv 1
Grønnfink 4
Gråsisik 2
Furukorsnebb 1
13 controls
Total for the day : 29
Pigmy owl Parrot crossbill Male 1K