We arrived from France yesterday and got our bearings quickly. Opening of 2 lines of nets to try to capture the tengmalm owl. a woodcock finally ringed (lørdag 15/10).
This morning, opening of the ringing station at 6 a.m. until 11 a.m., following the arrival of rain and wind. 41 ringed birds. This am, discovery of part of the island on a birdwatching trip.
Ringmerket: kjøttmeis 1, blåmeis 2, gjerdesmett 6, fuglekonge 2, munk 1, rødstrupe 2, svarttrost 4, rødvingetrost 4, bjørkefink 4 og grønnfink 15. Totalt 41 fugler. Antall i høst: 3395 og for året 6648.
Bilder under av våre franske venner og en bjørkefink (en av Marie’s favoritter).
Seb and David