Today Morgane and I got up even earlier than usual to try to catch nightjars. Unfortunately for us, we did not get them. We will definitely try again.
In the morning, the wind picked up and there were not that many birds in the nets. In the afternoon, the wind dropped to nearly no wind at all but the island was quite silent. The surprise of the day was a female whinchat.

All in all, 76 birds were ringed today: 65 løvsanger (willow warblers), 1 gransanger (chiffchaff), 2 gulsanger (icterine warblers) , 2 munk (blackcap), , 1 møller (lesser whitethroat),1 rødstruppe (robin), 1 svarthvit fluesnapper ( pied flycatchers), 1 rødstjert (redstar) , 1 bukskvett (whinchat) and 1 grønnfink (greenfinches).
With this incredible weather in the afternoon it was impossible for one of us to resist to a swim 🙂 and we enjoyed staying outside until late afternoon.
Marie, Morgane and Egil