We couldn’t open the nets in early morning today because it was too windy. At 8am, we finally decided to open the most protected nets.
The first round directly rewarded us with a couple of pied flycatchers, one chaffinch and last but not least, a woodcock! It was the first time Vidar had one in the hand, so a picture was needed.

Later in the early afternoon, Vidar found the first icterine warbler of the season in the nets.
The rest of the day was quiet, the wind decreased slowly then started increasing again in mid afternoon.
In early evening, we heard our first trush nightingale for the season. So all in all, new species for the seasons are arring these last days! But the weather is not helping to catch birds and the number of birds ringed is still low : 21 new birds with 1 rødstrupe (robin), 1 munk (blackcap), 1 bokfink ( chaffinch), 1 gulsanger (icterine warbler), 1 gransanger (chiff chaff), 12 løvsanger (willow warbler), 3 SH fluesnapper (pied flycatcher) and 1 rugde (woodcock).