The wind was strong this early morning when we open the nets. It was suppose to decrease so we have open the usual standard nets.
Despite the wind and some rain in early afternoon, we have had a fair day, with the first garden warblers of the season, as well as our first spring whitethroat and of course, a nice surprise with the ringed ouzel.

60 birds were ringed today : 1 Rødstjert (common redstart) ; 1 Ringtrost (ringed ouzel) ; 1 Heipiplerke (meadow pipit); 3 gransanger (chiff chaff) ; 40 løvsanger (willow warbler) ; 3 møller (lesser whitethroat) ; 1 svart hvit fluesnapper (pied flycatcher) ; 2 rødstrupe (robin); 4 munk (blackcap) ; 3 hagesanger (garden warbler) ; 1 tornsanger ( whitethroat).
Now, the wind is increasing again. Tomorrow, it might be tricky to open all nets, since the weather forecast is not optimistic about the wind increase.
Marie, Vidar and Morgane.