Skyet, 06hrs, 8 m/s Ø/NØ. 7 deg, Frisk bris.
A good movement of birds throughout the morning before the wind dropped and the sun came out followed by continuous rain from early evening when the nets were closed. A second Rødvingetrost was caught and ringed with the best bird of the day being a Fjellvåk which gave good views when perched to the south of the island.
Ringmerking: Rødstrupe 14, Bokfink 1, Jernsperv 1,Fuglekonge 45, Gransanger 8, Gjerdesmett 22, Svarttrost 1, Sivspurv 1, Bjørkefink 1, Måltrost 1, Rødvingetrost 1, Linerle 1, Grønnfink 1. Totalt 98.