The weather was playing with my nerves this morning, not deciding if it was going to rain or not.
Heavy clouds were here from 3 am and stayed until the evening. In the end, it didn’t rain and the
wind moved south in the afternoon. But there were really few birds through all day and the island
was particularly quiet and almost silent except for a couple of garden warblers and trush
nightingales. At 4am, I opened some nets and open the rest at 7am when the sky cleared up a bit.
The round were quiet but there were surprinsingly quite a few spotted flycatchers around and I
thought there might be more caught than traditional willow warblers but I was wrong.
21 birds ringed today in the end: 4 young greenfinches, 2 chiffchaffs, 5 willow’s,
3 whitethroat, 4 spotted flycatchers, 2 garden warblers and 1 whitethroat.